Gurvansaikhan LLC

Geology & Mining Team

Chief Geologist

Aleksandr Budunov

– Chief project geologist since 1994​

– Over 40 years experience with uranium exploration, 25 years in Mongolia ​

– Member of «Sosnovgeology state enterprise» geologic party, which conducted initial survey of the project areas in the 1980s’ and eventually discovered the uranium occurrences​

– Led and supervised exploration program, responsible for exploration data collection and processing

Chief Exploration Geologist

Igor Kashafutdinov

-Over 40+ years of experience in exploration ​

-Over 19 years of experience in uranium exploration ​

-19 years of experience Mining engineer and Geologist at JSC «Volkogeology» 

Mining Director

Abzal Dossayev

-Over 15 years of experience in uranium mining in Kazakhstan ​

-Previously held the position of Mine Director of Semizbay, a Kazatomprom uranium deposit with over 400 employees

Chief Production Geologist

Berik Toishibekov

-15+ years of experience in uranium mining in Kazakhstan​

-Previously held the position of Mine Director of Ortalyk, a Kazatomprom uranium deposit with over 560 employees

Chief Project Engineer

Ruslan Prokurat

-22 years of experience in the design of civil and industrial objects in Kazakhstan  ​

-Previously held the position of Chief project engineer and technical director in a various design companies in Kazakhstan

Senior Geologist

Batbayar Tseveen

-Over 19 years experience in the exploration of Uran’s Khairkhan, Umnu Dulaan, Zoovch Ovoo and Dulaan Uul deposits